Do you like my jpeg? I hope so because I stole it in order to illustrate the various means of conveyance by which your The Rvinyl Team! product may arrive at your doorstep, yurt or igloo. That's right, whether by land, sea air or land (I'm trying to be true to the jpeg's depiction), The Rvinyl Team! is dedicated to vinyling whatever it is you may want to vinylize. From the steppes of Central Asia, to the pampas of the South American lowlands we will ship to you anything that your heart desires that can be ordered from our website. So, what are some of the most exciting places to which The Rvinyl Team! has shipped?
Well, Japan for one. The Japanese have lovingly furnished us with some of the most popular cars for modification but are surprisingly reticent when it comes to purchasing the plethora of products which we have designed for their vehicles. Unfortunately, there seems to be a somewhat wishy-washy adherence to a standard steering wheel configuration (for more on this mysterious steering wheel configuration click here) on the part of Japanese manufacturers. Why is it that Mitsubishi ( a name which one can almost be sure is Japanese in origin) doesn't make its domestic models RHD like the rest of the cars on the road in said country? No idea but this good-natured customer seem to take our mistake rather well with a kind of Hello-Kitty sensibility about the whole thing:

-The Rvinyl Team!
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