The Rvinyl Team was recently contacted by the North Central Indiana Ghostbusters asking us to provide them with a window tint for their Ghostmobile, the Ecto-T. Now, they're a charitable group so they don't do any actual ghost busting but that's the theme they've chosen. Here's a little about them:
The North Central Indiana Ghostbusters group came about in a very unplanned and informal way. One time when Andrew and Tony were hanging out, a joke was made that it would be fun to turn Tony's white station wagon into the Ghostbuster's car for him to drive around on Halloween. Andrew said he could make that happen, and could even make Tony the uniform to go with it.
Long story short, that joke started to become a possibility. Andrew then decided why not make himself a uniform and ride around with Tony. Then it was mentioned to their friend Daniel, who was interested in riding around too. Once we realized we had three people, we figured we might as well try for four, so we would have the same number as the group in the movies. Something was mentioned to Sean, a long time Ghostbusters fan, and he joined as the fourth member.
The costumes and proton pack replicas were made by Andrew. They were first worn on October 30th, 2009 at an annual Halloween Party thrown at Sean's house. Then the next night we all put on the uniforms, piled into Tony's wagon which had been converted into a quick replica of the Ghostbusters Ecto-1, and hit the streets.
We drove around Tipton for awhile, then headed to Elwood. Then we got adventurous and headed to Carmel where we walked around the local Meijer store. We had no plans after that, so we headed to Indianapolis, and drove our car around the circle downtown. We definitely got some fun reactions from people there.
The next few days afterward were filled with discussions over the fun reactions we got, how many people knew who we were supposed to be right away, and the overall amount of fun we had doing it all. It was decided then that we would do it again the next year. Thus began a major overhaul of the Ecto-Taurus, and the decision to start earlier in the year by entering parades, car shows, etc. throughout the summer. We are on track for that goal, so be on the lookout for your local Ghostbusters this year!
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