If you ever care to visit our site you'll see, in the left-hand link bar (okay, although there may well be a technical name for it I don't know what it is),

Since 1999 Rvinyl.com Inc. has specialized in aftermarket automotive vinyl graphics. Rvinyl.com Inc. is a small, employee-owned company dedicated to customer satisfaction, low prices and innovative products.
We are a company that is passionate about both its customers and its products (not so passionate, however, as to invite litigation). We are committed to building lasting relationships by providing unparalleled service and availability. As any of our past customers can attest, we encourage you to contact us at any time about any of the products listed on our site as well as any custom orders (please don't take this as an invitation to call us at home). It is our promise to you that, unlike most other online retailers, you will receive fast and friendly answers to all of your questions about our high-quality products.
We pride ourselves on quick and reliable service with turn around times of less than 24 hours for most orders received during normal business operating hours. This translates into an average delivery time of only three business days for U.S. residents. Furthermore, we use USPS Priority Mail for domestic deliveries because of its speed, its reliability and because each mail piece is accompanied by a delivery confirmation number (not to mention that we're die-hard, blue-blooded patriots who would never betray our country's postal service unless Fedex lowered their prices and actually figured out how to ship things to their intended destinations).
From bumper to bumper we are the industry leader for new and exciting vinyl graphics.
In our next installment we'll take a look at some of the gif's and jpeg's which we find on the About Rvinyl section of the website and explore their symbolism in the context of post-modern modes of production or some other wildly inappropriate hermeneutic scheme.
-The Rvinyl Team!
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